Archives: Find out more


Interpreting is the oral translation of speech. There are several types of service available: Consecutive interpreting – the interpreter translates the speaker‘s entire speech once finished, using notes taken if required. Simultaneous interpreting – the interpreter is in a specially-equipped booth with a console, microphone and earphones. The

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Localisation – also called regionalisation, L10N, internationalisation or L18N – is the adaptation of a User Interface to a foreign market. This process therefore combines linguistic and cultural expertise with the knowledge of the technical constraints attached to software or website development. Fairtrad is able to avoid additional

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Marketing translations

How can you be sure that your product’s image will be optimised on the international market with the same care and impact which have characterized your national campaign? Fairtrad is the ideal partner for communicating with your foreign clients. Translate bulletins, newsletters, promotions, information letters, packaging and brochures

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